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  Home > Newsletter > Pilots for Nonprofits: Ways to Volunteer and Help, December 2012

Pilots for Nonprofits: Ways to Volunteer and Help

Pilots for Nonprofits: Ways to Volunteer and HelpAs pilots, we are members of an exclusive club who get to do and experience amazing things that many people only dream about. We also have a very unique skill set that can do much to help improve the lives of others. In the spirit of the holiday season, here are some volunteer pilot organizations that may inspire you to go wheels up for a good cause.

  • Animal Rescue Flights is a non-profit organization of pilots and volunteers who transport animals from overcrowded shelters to other parts of the country where qualified families are waiting to adopt them. Thanks to the volunteers donating their skills and equipment, there is no fee of any kind for the sender or receiver of an animal flying with ARF.
  • Brigade Air, Inc. is a Christian youth mentoring program that encourages young people to serve in the arena of missionary aviation. Established in 2000, Brigade Air has educated more than 2,100 campers in a total of 96 summer camp weeks over the last seven years.
  • Emergency Volunteer Air Corp (EVAC) organizes general aviation pilots, amateur radio operators and other aviation personnel to supplement existing emergency personnel and organizations during a fire, earthquake, hurricane and other major public emergencies. For more information, visit EVAC online.
  • Fly for the Cure is a non-profit organization located in Westfield, NY that provides pleasure trips to cancer sufferers and survivors across the country. Fly for the Cure is also involved in fund raising and promoting Cancer Awareness with an emphasis on the need for cancer screening and early detection. Visit to read more.
  • Pilots and Paws Pet Rescue is a non-profit organization that pairs pet rescue volunteers with pilot plane owners willing to assist with the transportation of the rescued animals. Pilots and Paws helps arrange and schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care, shelter care and other related activities. To learn more, go to

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